Photo - Meduza

Journalists Have Revealed the Mechanism and Accomplices of the Ban on their Profession under the Guise of “Foreign Agents” and “Undesirable” Laws

Is it pos­si­ble to intro­duce cen­sor­ship bypass­ing the Con­sti­tu­tion? Eas­i­ly. All one needs to do is to con­struct an appro­pri­ate sys­tem, get the “right” peo­ple to ini­ti­ate the process in par­lia­ment in order to give it the appear­ance of legal­i­ty, intro­duce the word “for­eign agent” which sounds sus­pi­cious to the aver­age cit­i­zen, incite law enforcement…

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This post is not about inves­ti­ga­tions, but about those who do them.  Our col­leagues and friends from The Project. The best, bright­est and fear­less. About those, whose friend­ship our Com­mu­ni­ty of Inves­tiga­tive Jour­nal­ists – Fond 19/29 is proud of, whom we glad­ly quote, from whom we urge to learn.  Gali­na Sidoro­va. Ages ago, now, it seems,…

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Journalists of The Project tried to Get to the Origins of the Russian Police Chief’s family’s Wealth, and the Police – to the Origins of the Journalists’ Sources

We are often asked: how do the author­i­ties respond to inves­tiga­tive jour­nal­ism, and do they respond at all? After all, often jour­nal­ists uncov­er cas­es of obvi­ous cor­rup­tion and noth­ing hap­pens. Does this mean that we risked our lives in vain, that we worked in vain?  This time, it did­n’t take long for the reac­tion to come:…

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Novaya Gazeta Reveals the Secrets of the EpiVacCorona Vaccine, for which 3.5 Billion Rubles Were Spent From the Budget

Why do peo­ple in Rus­sia — unlike cit­i­zens of oth­er coun­tries — actu­al­ly sab­o­tage vac­ci­na­tion, while the epi­dem­ic seems to be gain­ing momen­tum again? After read­ing the inves­ti­ga­tion “Oper­a­tion E” in Novaya Gaze­ta (by Iri­na Tumako­va) the rea­son becomes clear­er: the state itself is doing every­thing to pre­vent cit­i­zens from trust­ing it… The author of the…

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Photo by IStories

The Editor of IStories Identified the Persons behind his Persecution and Surveillance of Novaya Gazeta Journalists

The Russ­ian author­i­ties are using more sub­tle tricks to hin­der the work of inde­pen­dent jour­nal­ists. But jour­nal­ists are no strangers to this. Roman Anin, ISto­ries edi­­­tor-in-chief, until recent­ly, the head of Novaya Gaze­ta’s inves­tiga­tive depart­ment and also an expert with our Com­mu­ni­ty of Inves­tiga­tive Jour­nal­ists – Fond 19/29 has proven that a jour­nal­ist remains a…

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The Journalists of Project Media and DOXA Found out Who Teaches Russian Students

The edi­tors of the stu­dent mag­a­zine DOXA, Armen Aramyan, Alla Gut­niko­va, Vladimir Metelkin, and Natasha Tyshke­vich, joined the ranks of jour­nal­ists who are increas­ing­ly being «reward­ed» by the Russ­ian gov­ern­ment for their hon­est, self­less work. They are reward­ed with crim­i­nal pros­e­cu­tion. The brave four have been “award­ed”, or, more pre­cise­ly, charged so far, with Article…

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Grigory Pasko and Ivan Pavlov (center) at the hearings of Pasco case in 2001. Courtesy photo

Today it’s not about our colleagues’ best investigations – it’s about persecution. The persecution of the lawyer Ivan Pavlov by the security forces for his professional work to protect the right of journalists to inform the public, and the right of the public to know

The morn­ing starts with the usu­al news — search­es and deten­tions. This time police raid­ed the home of Ivan Pavlov, a well-known lawyer, human rights defend­er and head of the Team 29 (Koman­da 29)– asso­ci­a­tion of lawyers and jour­nal­ists fight­ing for the rights of Russ­ian cit­i­zens to infor­ma­tion access and dis­tri­b­u­tion. Pavlov has been detained.…

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